it was the best defense I had
wrinkles in time, folds of yesterday and tomorrow coming together
in one big fat now, one yesterday in a lump of today
I drove up to the rusty bridge and hoped it would hold
as they pointed the radar gun at me
yes!, I did pass inspection.
When I chucked Four door doves don't ski
off the patio and onto the parking lot
I did not expect Fr. Gregory to return it to me
Crime and Punishment visited me later
much to my chagrin and hard it was on my wallet
and my soul
Who are these people? Why did they find me?
I did not go looking for them!
11 children. Evicted from her home. Goats upon delivery as the tire went flat in the speed trap.
who are you? How did you find me?
I can't fix or repair myself. Stop! I stand athwart the sand of time and I say halt?
no. it does not stop. I have 3 good legs. So they tell me.
the buffalo springfield raises me down to the pavement. No lumps in me as they cover me up.
let the haters hate! let the lovers love! It matters not to me!
Let me life be as it is. I did not choose all this! As much as I am to blame for my own mistakes
as much as they might honor me
I did what I had to do.
I was an unprofitable servant. I did what I was told to do.
I has hope, so said the cat. I love you, so said the dog.
I will not give up, so said the weed in the ditch.
How can I? said the man without a grave.
There will come a time when I and my last electrons and all the substance that is me
goes to rest in the dust. It is better to hear the song of mourners For that is the end of all men.
Seize the day! Seize the moment! Shed no tears for me! Laugh and be happy!
For this day will be no more. Take this time to love and be loved.
We get no better chance than now.